Antonina Pakharenko-Anderson

Antonina Pakharenko-Anderson

Associé directeur, avocate en brevets et marques de commerce


Established in 1994, soon after Ukraine became independent, Pakharenko & Partners is one of the key players among intellectual property and law firms in Central Europe with offices in Kyiv, Ukraine and London, UK. During its 20-year history our practice has been continuously expanding and evolving from an IP boutique to a full-service law firm. Having acquired a wealth of experience representing clients, including multinational corporations, coming from diverse industries, we pride ourselves on providing exemplary services meeting specific needs of our clients and the expertise of our staffs who are uniquely versed in the areas of law covered by our practice.

Over the years, the company and its Partners have been keeping the top positions in IP work in Ukraine according to rankings of some major national and international professional surveys to include the Managing Intellectual Property Magazine’s IP Surveys, the Chambers Global and Chambers Europe Guides, the World Trademark Review 1000 and the Legal 500 EMEA. Recent awards of the firm also include the nomination of the Winner of the Intellectual Property Firm of the Year Award in Ukraine at the Corporate INTL Magazine 2010 and 2011 Global Awards and the nomination of one of the Top 50 Leading Law Firms at the Ukrainian edition “Yuridicheskaya Praktika” (“Law Practice”). Since 2012 Pakharenko & Partners also became the winner of the “Yuridicheskaya Praktika” Legal Awards in the nomination “Law Firm of the Year in the Field of Intellectual Property”.

Today our staff includes 50 employees with different experience and practice, comprising 4 partners, 18 lawyers (including 5 Attorneys-at-Law), 22 specialists with diverse background and relevant experience in intellectual property (including 7 patent attorneys and 3 candidates of chemical sciences) and 6 specialists of clerical and accounting staff.

The company and its members are actively involved in the operation of 28 national and international non-governmental organizations, such as: AIPPI, INTA, PTMG, IBA, Ukrainian Patent Attorney’s Association (UPAA), ICC Ukraine, American Chamber of Commerce (ACC) in Ukraine, German-Ukrainian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Ukraine), European Business Association (EBA), Ukrainian Trademark Association (UTA), Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA), Ukrainian Advocates’ Association (UAA) and a number of other associations


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +380(44) 593 96 93